Monday – Wednesday: 7 am – 3 pm
Thursday – Sunday: 7 am – 3 pm; 5 pm – 9 pm
300 2nd Street East
Whitefish, MT 59937
What’s The Most American Thing You Can Think Of?
Hot dogs, the star spangled banner, and baseball may come into your head. Since I love food, a dessert pie is one of the first things that comes into my mind. Sure, pies can be traced back to the Egyptians but not until the American Revolution did the dessert pie become what we consider it to be today. Prior to that era, the crust was never eaten; instead, it was a “holder” or “coffin” for the filling.
Loula’s Nationally Recognized For Their Pie
So, where can you can you find a great slice of pie in America? Sure, the major cities have amazing pies, but nearly 72% of America is rural. So, where is the best place outside of those metro regions? Honestly, one of the best pies we’ve EVER had anywhere, including in cities, is a quaint place called Loula’s Cafe in Whitefish. It’s so good that they are nationally recognized for their great homemade pie in books, magazines and even on National Public Radio. If that isn’t proof enough, they make over 4,000 pies annually, many out of fresh fruits like Flathead cherries and wild huckleberries.
It’s Not Just About The Pie

Named after two Montana friends who started the restaurant, Mary Lou Covey and Laura Hansen, they combined their names to get Loula’s Cafe. The cafe is located in the historic Masonic Temple and exudes an open and welcoming feel. Filled with art from Montana, Loula’s has a curious combination of nature and hominess that instantly makes you comfortable and relaxed. Overall, Loula’s is a great option any time of the day – anyone looking for a late breakfast (serving until 2 pm), lunch, dinner or just a big piece of pie and a cup of coffee. If you are in Whitefish this is definitely a must see and even if you aren’t in town, you may want to call and order a pie for pick-up!