To start, the names on the menu are inspired by the region’s past. For example, the pancake breakfast is “The Little Depot.” How was it? They were some of the fluffiest pancakes I’d ever seen. Soft, light, and filling is the best description of them. “The Center of the Universe” scrambler (Someone’s got to claim it, so why not Wallace?) was delicious and hearty, which is important on a big powder day.

Ski-pack Deals, Breakfast and Affordable Lodging!
If you’re looking for an affordable place to stay while in Silver Valley then the Wallace Inn is a good option. The best quality is their level of customer service. The front desk goes out of their way to make you comfortable. On top of that, if you’re looking for modern amenities like a smart TV, swimming pool, hot tub and want to be close to town, the Wallace Inn is your best bet. AND for those looking for a great ski package for only $111, you get a night’s stay plus 2 lift tickets to Lookout Pass! No matter how you look at that, it’s a GREAT deal. A small town plus a local Ski area equals a deal unheard-of in today’s resort destinations!